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4 Ways On How To Use LinkedIn For Business Success

Most business owners don’t realize how to use LinkedIn and just how powerful LinkedIn is. LinkedIn can help you generate leads, build your brand, and make much needed connections. But most business owners are not on LinkedIn or they are on it but not using it the correct way.

Signs Someone Is Fake

In our “social media” age, it’s VERY easy to fake a persona contrary to who you actually are. This is not only annoying (to people who can see through the lies), but it can actually be harmful (people taking bad advice etc). The point is that if you’re looking at various “social media personalities”, the most important thing is that you’re able to discern whether someone is legitimate or not. This starts – and ends – with PROOF.

Using Facebook As a Marketing Tool for Free

I’ve heard various, and contradictory, reports about the effectiveness of paid adverts on Facebook. As I have barely used them, however, I cannot vouch for them either in terms of cost-efficiency or in respect of the results they produce. What I can offer though, from experience, is a strategy for generating sales, and lots of them, through Facebook without having to invest a penny.

Does Facebook Stop Or Start Your Business?

It’s not unusual to hear business owners say that they get “sucked in” to their Facebook newsfeed. They end up scrolling through Facebook rather than working.

3 LinkedIn Tips for Timid Recommendation Requesters

Does the idea of asking for recommendations make you uncomfortable? Here are some tips to make sure you get those much needed testimonials on your profile as you build confidence reaching out to your network.

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Learn How To Make More Money With Facebook Marketing

The world is squeezing. The social media pack led by Facebook is the biggest reason behind this connecting of the real people of the real world in the virtual world of internet. Facebook in particular, lets its subscribers to connect, communicate and react to anything and everything going on the platform.

10 Ways to Boost Facebook Engagement and Improve Newsfeed Exposure

Facebook in their usual way has changed up the field again. The new algorithm has businesses scurrying to figure out what works and what does not. Businesses that once has great traction on their business page now find it hard to gain any traction. They need to be strategic and more aware of what will work and what will not.

Is Business Social Media Marketing Still Worth It?

Articles on the algorithm change on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are circulating all over the internet. They say it has become harder for business to market online because the platforms aren’t like they used to be. The platforms are implementing these changes in an attempt to leverage the “social” in social media.

Message This: Social Media Is Toxic for Kids

According to Common Sense Media research, teens now spend an average of nine hours a day glued to their devices, with tweens not all that far behind at six. And that doesn’t account for tech’s use in our nation’s classrooms, nor all the computer-required assignments that follow our children home after school. And now comes Facebook’s Messenger Kids aimed at those as young as six, adding to the harm already caused by social media.

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10 Tips For Using Instagram For Business Marketing

Hundreds of millions of people all over the world use Instagram every day. Using Instagram for business marketing can help you build your brand, get more traffic, grow your list of email subscribers and generate sales.

How To Optimize Your Facebook Ad Design In 4 Easy Steps

Ad design is a very important aspect of Facebook Ads. Not only does Facebook allow you to advertise in a variety of formats, but they also give you a very thorough reporting tool so you can see which ads are working and which ads aren’t. When you have this information at hand, you can easily adjust your design so you can increase your click-through rates and your conversions.

4 Forms Of Facebook Ads You Can Use For Your Business

Some Facebook ad types are better and more effective than others, depending on what you’re trying to achieve. Here are the 4 main forms of Facebook ads that you should think about for your business.

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About the Author: Sales Jedi